
الخميس، 31 يوليو 2014

أشهر 1500 كلمة

من 2265 كلمة الاكثر استخداما، يوجد 1524 كلمة تحدد كإسم. ومع ذلك 1144 تسخدم أساسا كإسم، بينما باقي 380 كلمة تعتبر انواع مختلفة لكن يمكن استخدامها كإسم. علي سبيل المثال، كلمة "Play" تعتبر فعل مثل "My kids are going outside to play". وعلي الرغم من ذلك يمكن استخدامها كإسم مثل "I am going to watch a play."

بسبب تعدد المعاني للكلمة اجريت ترتيب الكلمات كالتالي 1) تواتر (الاسماء أولا)، وبعد ذلك 2) تواتر (الاسماء ثم الانواع الإخري), واخيرا 3( تواتر (الانواع الإخري ثم الاسم).

الكلمة التكرار النواع
people 372 (noun)
history 187 (noun)
way 185 (noun)
art 183 (noun)
money 174 (noun)
world 169 (noun)
information 168 (noun)
map 167 (noun)
two 164 (noun)
family 159 (noun)
government 143 (noun)
health 122 (noun)
system 111 (noun)
computer 109 (noun)
meat 99 (noun)
year 96 (noun)
thanks 84 (noun)
music 80 (noun)
person 80 (noun)
reading 77 (noun)
method 76 (noun)
data 74 (noun)
food 73 (noun)
understanding 73 (noun)
theory 71 (noun)
law 70 (noun)
bird 68 (noun)
literature 67 (noun)
problem 66 (noun)
software 63 (noun)
control 62 (noun)
knowledge 62 (noun)
power 62 (noun)
ability 61 (noun)
economics 61 (noun)
love 60 (noun)
internet 59 (noun)
television 59 (noun)
science 58 (noun)
library 57 (noun)
nature 57 (noun)
fact 56 (noun)
product 56 (noun)
idea 55 (noun)
temperature 55 (noun)
investment 52 (noun)
area 50 (noun)
society 50 (noun)
activity 48 (noun)
story 48 (noun)
industry 47 (noun)
media 47 (noun)
thing 47 (noun)
oven 45 (noun)
community 44 (noun)
definition 44 (noun)
safety 44 (noun)
quality 43 (noun)
development 42 (noun)
language 42 (noun)
management 41 (noun)
player 41 (noun)
variety 41 (noun)
video 41 (noun)
week 41 (noun)
security 38 (noun)
country 37 (noun)
exam 37 (noun)
movie 37 (noun)
organization 37 (noun)
equipment 35 (noun)
physics 35 (noun)
analysis 34 (noun)
policy 34 (noun)
series 34 (noun)
thought 34 (noun)
basis 33 (noun)
boyfriend 33 (noun)
direction 33 (noun)
strategy 33 (noun)
technology 33 (noun)
army 32 (noun)
camera 32 (noun)
freedom 32 (noun)
paper 32 (noun)
environment 31 (noun)
child 30 (noun)
instance 30 (noun)
month 30 (noun)
truth 30 (noun)
marketing 29 (noun)
university 29 (noun)
writing 29 (noun)
article 28 (noun)
department 28 (noun)
difference 28 (noun)
goal 28 (noun)
news 28 (noun)
audience 27 (noun)
fishing 27 (noun)
growth 27 (noun)
income 27 (noun)
marriage 27 (noun)
user 27 (noun)
combination 26 (noun)
failure 26 (noun)
meaning 26 (noun)
medicine 26 (noun)
philosophy 26 (noun)
teacher 25 (noun)
communication 24 (noun)
night 24 (noun)
chemistry 23 (noun)
disease 23 (noun)
disk 23 (noun)
energy 23 (noun)
nation 23 (noun)
road 23 (noun)
role 23 (noun)
soup 23 (noun)
advertising 22 (noun)
location 22 (noun)
success 22 (noun)
addition 21 (noun)
apartment 21 (noun)
education 21 (noun)
math 21 (noun)
moment 21 (noun)
painting 21 (noun)
politics 21 (noun)
attention 20 (noun)
decision 20 (noun)
event 20 (noun)
property 20 (noun)
shopping 20 (noun)
student 20 (noun)
wood 20 (noun)
competition 19 (noun)
distribution 19 (noun)
entertainment 19 (noun)
office 19 (noun)
population 19 (noun)
president 19 (noun)
unit 19 (noun)
category 18 (noun)
cigarette 18 (noun)
context 18 (noun)
introduction 18 (noun)
opportunity 18 (noun)
performance 18 (noun)
driver 17 (noun)
flight 17 (noun)
length 17 (noun)
magazine 17 (noun)
newspaper 17 (noun)
relationship 17 (noun)
teaching 17 (noun)
cell 16 (noun)
dealer 16 (noun)
debate 16 (noun)
finding 16 (noun)
lake 16 (noun)
member 16 (noun)
message 16 (noun)
phone 16 (noun)
scene 16 (noun)
appearance 15 (noun)
association 15 (noun)
concept 15 (noun)
customer 15 (noun)
death 15 (noun)
discussion 15 (noun)
housing 15 (noun)
inflation 15 (noun)
insurance 15 (noun)
woman 15 (noun)
advice 14 (noun)
blood 14 (noun)
effort 14 (noun)
expression 14 (noun)
importance 14 (noun)
opinion 14 (noun)
payment 14 (noun)
reality 14 (noun)
responsibility 14 (noun)
situation 14 (noun)
skill 14 (noun)
statement 14 (noun)
wealth 14 (noun)
application 13 (noun)
city 13 (noun)
county 13 (noun)
depth 13 (noun)
estate 13 (noun)
foundation 13 (noun)
grandmother 13 (noun)
heart 13 (noun)
perspective 13 (noun)
photo 13 (noun)
recipe 13 (noun)
studio 13 (noun)
topic 13 (noun)
collection 12 (noun)
depression 12 (noun)
imagination 12 (noun)
passion 12 (noun)
percentage 12 (noun)
resource 12 (noun)
setting 12 (noun)
ad 11 (noun)
agency 11 (noun)
college 11 (noun)
connection 11 (noun)
criticism 11 (noun)
debt 11 (noun)
description 11 (noun)
memory 11 (noun)
patience 11 (noun)
secretary 11 (noun)
solution 11 (noun)
administration 10 (noun)
aspect 10 (noun)
attitude 10 (noun)
director 10 (noun)
personality 10 (noun)
psychology 10 (noun)
recommendation 10 (noun)
response 10 (noun)
selection 10 (noun)
storage 10 (noun)
version 10 (noun)
alcohol 9 (noun)
argument 9 (noun)
complaint 9 (noun)
contract 9 (noun)
emphasis 9 (noun)
highway 9 (noun)
loss 9 (noun)
membership 9 (noun)
possession 9 (noun)
preparation 9 (noun)
steak 9 (noun)
union 9 (noun)
agreement 8 (noun)
cancer 8 (noun)
currency 8 (noun)
employment 8 (noun)
engineering 8 (noun)
entry 8 (noun)
interaction 8 (noun)
limit 8 (noun)
mixture 8 (noun)
preference 8 (noun)
region 8 (noun)
republic 8 (noun)
seat 8 (noun)
tradition 8 (noun)
virus 8 (noun)
actor 7 (noun)
classroom 7 (noun)
delivery 7 (noun)
device 7 (noun)
difficulty 7 (noun)
drama 7 (noun)
election 7 (noun)
engine 7 (noun)
football 7 (noun)
guidance 7 (noun)
hotel 7 (noun)
match 7 (noun)
owner 7 (noun)
priority 7 (noun)
protection 7 (noun)
suggestion 7 (noun)
tension 7 (noun)
variation 7 (noun)
anxiety 6 (noun)
atmosphere 6 (noun)
awareness 6 (noun)
bread 6 (noun)
climate 6 (noun)
comparison 6 (noun)
confusion 6 (noun)
construction 6 (noun)
elevator 6 (noun)
emotion 6 (noun)
employee 6 (noun)
employer 6 (noun)
guest 6 (noun)
height 6 (noun)
leadership 6 (noun)
mall 6 (noun)
manager 6 (noun)
operation 6 (noun)
recording 6 (noun)
respect 6 (noun)
sample 6 (noun)
transportation 6 (noun)
boring 5 (noun)
charity 5 (noun)
cousin 5 (noun)
disaster 5 (noun)
editor 5 (noun)
efficiency 5 (noun)
excitement 5 (noun)
extent 5 (noun)
feedback 5 (noun)
guitar 5 (noun)
homework 5 (noun)
leader 5 (noun)
mom 5 (noun)
outcome 5 (noun)
permission 5 (noun)
presentation 5 (noun)
promotion 5 (noun)
reflection 5 (noun)
refrigerator 5 (noun)
resolution 5 (noun)
revenue 5 (noun)
session 5 (noun)
singer 5 (noun)
tennis 5 (noun)
basket 4 (noun)
bonus 4 (noun)
cabinet 4 (noun)
childhood 4 (noun)
church 4 (noun)
clothes 4 (noun)
coffee 4 (noun)
dinner 4 (noun)
drawing 4 (noun)
hair 4 (noun)
hearing 4 (noun)
initiative 4 (noun)
judgment 4 (noun)
lab 4 (noun)
measurement 4 (noun)
mode 4 (noun)
mud 4 (noun)
orange 4 (noun)
poetry 4 (noun)
police 4 (noun)
possibility 4 (noun)
procedure 4 (noun)
queen 4 (noun)
ratio 4 (noun)
relation 4 (noun)
restaurant 4 (noun)
satisfaction 4 (noun)
sector 4 (noun)
signature 4 (noun)
significance 4 (noun)
song 4 (noun)
tooth 4 (noun)
town 4 (noun)
vehicle 4 (noun)
volume 4 (noun)
wife 4 (noun)
accident 3 (noun)
airport 3 (noun)
appointment 3 (noun)
arrival 3 (noun)
assumption 3 (noun)
baseball 3 (noun)
chapter 3 (noun)
committee 3 (noun)
conversation 3 (noun)
database 3 (noun)
enthusiasm 3 (noun)
error 3 (noun)
explanation 3 (noun)
farmer 3 (noun)
gate 3 (noun)
girl 3 (noun)
hall 3 (noun)
historian 3 (noun)
hospital 3 (noun)
injury 3 (noun)
instruction 3 (noun)
maintenance 3 (noun)
manufacturer 3 (noun)
meal 3 (noun)
perception 3 (noun)
pie 3 (noun)
poem 3 (noun)
presence 3 (noun)
proposal 3 (noun)
reception 3 (noun)
replacement 3 (noun)
revolution 3 (noun)
river 3 (noun)
son 3 (noun)
speech 3 (noun)
tea 3 (noun)
village 3 (noun)
warning 3 (noun)
winner 3 (noun)
worker 3 (noun)
writer 3 (noun)
assistance 2 (noun)
breath 2 (noun)
buyer 2 (noun)
chest 2 (noun)
chocolate 2 (noun)
conclusion 2 (noun)
contribution 2 (noun)
cookie 2 (noun)
courage 2 (noun)
dad 2 (noun)
desk 2 (noun)
drawer 2 (noun)
establishment 2 (noun)
examination 2 (noun)
garbage 2 (noun)
grocery 2 (noun)
honey 2 (noun)
impression 2 (noun)
improvement 2 (noun)
independence 2 (noun)
insect 2 (noun)
inspection 2 (noun)
inspector 2 (noun)
king 2 (noun)
ladder 2 (noun)
menu 2 (noun)
penalty 2 (noun)
piano 2 (noun)
potato 2 (noun)
profession 2 (noun)
professor 2 (noun)
quantity 2 (noun)
reaction 2 (noun)
requirement 2 (noun)
salad 2 (noun)
sister 2 (noun)
supermarket 2 (noun)
tongue 2 (noun)
weakness 2 (noun)
wedding 2 (noun)
affair 1 (noun)
ambition 1 (noun)
analyst 1 (noun)
apple 1 (noun)
assignment 1 (noun)
assistant 1 (noun)
bathroom 1 (noun)
bedroom 1 (noun)
beer 1 (noun)
birthday 1 (noun)
celebration 1 (noun)
championship 1 (noun)
cheek 1 (noun)
client 1 (noun)
consequence 1 (noun)
departure 1 (noun)
diamond 1 (noun)
dirt 1 (noun)
ear 1 (noun)
fortune 1 (noun)
friendship 1 (noun)
funeral 1 (noun)
gene 1 (noun)
girlfriend 1 (noun)
hat 1 (noun)
indication 1 (noun)
intention 1 (noun)
lady 1 (noun)
midnight 1 (noun)
negotiation 1 (noun)
obligation 1 (noun)
passenger 1 (noun)
pizza 1 (noun)
platform 1 (noun)
poet 1 (noun)
pollution 1 (noun)
recognition 1 (noun)
reputation 1 (noun)
shirt 1 (noun)
sir 1 (noun)
speaker 1 (noun)
stranger 1 (noun)
surgery 1 (noun)
sympathy 1 (noun)
tale 1 (noun)
throat 1 (noun)
trainer 1 (noun)
uncle 1 (noun)
youth 1 (noun)
time 369 (noun, adjective, verb)
work 224 (noun, adjective, verb)
film 209 (noun, verb)
water 201 (noun, verb, adjective)
example 147 (noun, verb)
while 147 (noun, conjunction, preposition)
business 127 (noun, adjective)
study 118 (noun, verb)
game 117 (noun, adjective, verb)
life 107 (noun, adjective)
form 99 (noun, verb)
air 98 (noun, verb)
day 98 (noun, adjective)
place 98 (noun, verb)
number 97 (noun, verb)
part 96 (noun, verb, adverb)
field 95 (noun, verb, adjective)
fish 92 (noun, verb)
back 86 (noun, adverb, verb)
process 85 (noun, verb)
heat 84 (noun, verb)
hand 81 (noun, verb)
experience 80 (noun, verb)
job 80 (noun, verb)
book 77 (noun, verb)
end 76 (noun, verb)
point 74 (noun, verb)
type 74 (noun, verb)
home 72 (noun, adjective, adverb)
economy 71 (noun, adjective)
value 70 (noun, verb)
body 69 (noun, verb)
market 69 (noun, verb)
guide 68 (noun, verb)
interest 67 (noun, verb)
state 63 (noun, verb)
radio 62 (noun, verb)
course 61 (noun, verb)
company 60 (noun, verb)
price 60 (noun, verb)
size 60 (noun, verb, adjective)
card 58 (noun, verb)
list 58 (noun, verb)
mind 58 (noun, verb)
trade 58 (noun, verb)
line 56 (noun, verb)
care 55 (noun, verb)
group 55 (noun, verb)
risk 55 (noun, verb)
word 55 (noun, verb, interjection)
fat 54 (noun, adjective, verb)
force 54 (noun, verb)
key 54 (noun, adjective, verb)
light 54 (noun, verb, adjective)
training 54 (noun, adjective)
name 53 (noun, verb, adjective)
school 53 (noun, verb)
top 53 (noun, adjective, verb)
amount 51 (noun, verb)
level 51 (noun, adjective, verb)
order 51 (noun, verb)
practice 51 (noun, verb)
research 51 (noun, verb)
sense 51 (noun, verb)
service 51 (noun, verb)
piece 50 (noun, verb)
web 49 (noun, verb)
boss 48 (noun, verb, adjective)
sport 47 (noun, verb)
fun 46 (noun, adjective, verb)
house 46 (noun, adjective, verb)
page 46 (noun, verb)
term 46 (noun, verb)
test 46 (noun, verb)
answer 45 (noun, verb)
sound 45 (noun, verb, adjective)
focus 44 (noun, verb)
matter 44 (noun, verb)
kind 43 (noun, adjective)
soil 43 (noun, verb)
board 42 (noun, verb)
oil 42 (noun, verb)
picture 42 (noun, verb)
access 41 (noun, verb, adjective)
garden 41 (noun, verb)
range 41 (noun, verb)
rate 41 (noun, verb)
reason 41 (noun, verb)
future 40 (noun, adjective)
site 40 (noun, verb)
demand 39 (noun, verb)
exercise 39 (noun, verb)
image 39 (noun, verb)
case 38 (noun, verb)
cause 38 (noun, verb)
coast 38 (noun, verb)
action 37 (noun, adjective)
age 37 (noun, verb)
bad 37 (noun, adverb, adjective)
boat 37 (noun, verb)
record 37 (noun, verb)
result 37 (noun, verb)
section 37 (noun, verb)
building 36 (noun, verb)
mouse 36 (noun, verb)
cash 35 (noun, verb)
class 35 (noun, verb, adjective)
nothing 35 (noun, pronoun, adjective)
period 35 (noun, adjective)
plan 35 (noun, verb)
store 35 (noun, verb)
tax 35 (noun, verb)
side 34 (noun, verb)
subject 34 (noun, adjective, adverb)
space 33 (noun, verb)
rule 32 (noun, verb)
stock 32 (noun, adjective, verb)
weather 32 (noun, verb)
chance 31 (noun, adjective, verb)
figure 31 (noun, verb)
man 31 (noun, verb, interjection)
model 31 (noun, verb)
source 31 (noun, verb)
beginning 30 (noun, adjective, verb)
earth 30 (noun, verb)
program 30 (noun, verb)
chicken 29 (noun, adjective)
design 29 (noun, verb)
feature 29 (noun, verb)
head 29 (noun, adjective, verb)
material 29 (noun, adjective)
purpose 29 (noun, verb)
question 29 (noun, verb)
rock 29 (noun, verb)
salt 29 (noun, adjective, verb)
act 28 (noun, verb)
birth 28 (noun, verb)
car 28 (noun, adjective)
dog 28 (noun, verb)
object 28 (noun, verb)
scale 28 (noun, verb)
sun 28 (noun, verb)
note 27 (noun, verb)
profit 27 (noun, verb)
rent 27 (noun, verb)
speed 27 (noun, verb)
style 27 (noun, verb)
war 27 (noun, verb)
bank 26 (noun, verb)
craft 26 (noun, verb)
half 26 (noun, predeterminer, adverb)
inside 26 (noun, adjective, preposition)
outside 26 (noun, adjective, preposition)
standard 26 (noun, adjective)
bus 25 (noun, verb)
exchange 25 (noun, verb)
eye 25 (noun, verb)
fire 25 (noun, verb)
position 25 (noun, verb)
pressure 25 (noun, verb)
stress 25 (noun, verb)
advantage 24 (noun, verb)
benefit 24 (noun, verb)
box 24 (noun, verb)
frame 24 (noun, verb)
issue 24 (noun, verb)
step 24 (noun, verb)
cycle 23 (noun, verb)
face 23 (noun, verb)
item 23 (noun, adverb)
metal 23 (noun, verb)
paint 23 (noun, verb)
review 23 (noun, verb)
room 23 (noun, verb)
screen 23 (noun, verb)
structure 23 (noun, verb)
view 23 (noun, verb)
account 22 (noun, verb)
ball 22 (noun, verb)
discipline 22 (noun, verb)
medium 22 (noun, adjective)
share 22 (noun, verb)
balance 21 (noun, verb)
bit 21 (noun, verb)
black 21 (noun, verb, adjective)
bottom 21 (noun, verb, adjective)
choice 21 (noun, adjective)
gift 21 (noun, verb)
impact 21 (noun, verb)
machine 21 (noun, verb)
shape 21 (noun, verb)
tool 21 (noun, verb)
wind 21 (noun, verb)
address 20 (noun, verb)
average 20 (noun, verb, adjective)
career 20 (noun, verb, adjective)
culture 20 (noun, verb)
morning 20 (noun, adverb)
pot 20 (noun, verb)
sign 20 (noun, verb)
table 20 (noun, verb)
task 20 (noun, verb)
condition 19 (noun, verb)
contact 19 (noun, verb)
credit 19 (noun, verb)
egg 19 (noun, verb)
hope 19 (noun, verb)
ice 19 (noun, verb)
network 19 (noun, verb)
north 19 (noun, adjective, adverb)
square 19 (noun, adjective, adverb)
attempt 18 (noun, verb)
date 18 (noun, verb)
effect 18 (noun, verb)
link 18 (noun, verb)
post 18 (noun, verb, adverb)
star 18 (noun, verb)
voice 18 (noun, verb)
capital 17 (noun, adjective)
challenge 17 (noun, verb, adjective)
friend 17 (noun, verb)
self 17 (noun, pronoun, adjective)
shot 17 (noun, adjective)
brush 16 (noun, verb)
couple 16 (noun, verb)
exit 16 (noun, verb)
front 16 (noun, adjective, verb)
function 16 (noun, verb)
lack 16 (noun, verb)
living 16 (noun, adjective)
plant 16 (noun, verb)
plastic 16 (noun, adjective)
spot 16 (noun, verb)
summer 16 (noun, verb)
taste 16 (noun, verb)
theme 16 (noun, verb)
track 16 (noun, verb)
wing 16 (noun, verb)
brain 15 (noun, verb)
button 15 (noun, verb)
click 15 (noun, verb)
desire 15 (noun, verb)
foot 15 (noun, verb)
gas 15 (noun, verb)
influence 15 (noun, verb)
mood 15 (noun, adjective)
notice 15 (noun, verb)
rain 15 (noun, verb)
wall 15 (noun, verb)
base 14 (noun, verb, adjective)
damage 14 (noun, verb)
distance 14 (noun, verb)
feeling 14 (noun, adjective)
pair 14 (noun, verb)
saving 14 (noun, adjective, preposition)
staff 14 (noun, verb)
sugar 14 (noun, verb)
target 14 (noun, verb)
text 14 (noun, verb)
animal 13 (noun, adjective)
author 13 (noun, verb)
budget 13 (noun, adjective, verb)
discount 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
file 13 (noun, verb)
ground 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
lesson 13 (noun, verb)
minute 13 (noun, adjective, verb)
officer 13 (noun, verb)
phase 13 (noun, verb)
reference 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
register 13 (noun, verb)
sky 13 (noun, verb)
stage 13 (noun, verb)
stick 13 (noun, verb)
title 13 (noun, verb)
trouble 13 (noun, verb)
bowl 12 (noun, verb)
bridge 12 (noun, verb)
campaign 12 (noun, verb)
character 12 (noun, adjective, verb)
club 12 (noun, verb)
edge 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
evidence 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
fan 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
letter 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
lock 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
maximum 12 (noun, adjective)
novel 12 (noun, adjective)
option 12 (noun, verb)
pack 12 (noun, verb, adjective)
park 12 (noun, verb)
plenty 12 (noun, adjective, adverb)
quarter 12 (noun, verb, adjective)
skin 12 (noun, verb)
sort 12 (noun, verb)
weight 12 (noun, verb)
baby 11 (noun, verb, adjective)
background 11 (noun, adjective)
carry 11 (noun, verb)
dish 11 (noun, verb, idiom)
factor 11 (noun, verb)
fruit 11 (noun, verb)
glass 11 (noun, adjective, verb)
joint 11 (noun, adjective, verb)
master 11 (noun, adjective, verb)
muscle 11 (noun, verb, adjective)
red 11 (noun, adjective, idiom)
strength 11 (noun, idiom)
traffic 11 (noun, verb)
trip 11 (noun, verb, idiom)
vegetable 11 (noun, adjective)
appeal 10 (noun, verb)
chart 10 (noun, verb)
gear 10 (noun, verb, adjective)
ideal 10 (noun, adjective)
kitchen 10 (noun, adjective)
land 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
log 10 (noun, verb)
mother 10 (noun, adjective, verb)
net 10 (noun, verb)
party 10 (noun, adjective, verb)
principle 10 (noun, idiom)
relative 10 (noun, adjective)
sale 10 (noun, idiom)
season 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
signal 10 (noun, adjective, verb)
spirit 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
street 10 (noun, adjective, idiom)
tree 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
wave 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
belt 9 (noun, verb)
bench 9 (noun, verb)
commission 9 (noun, verb)
copy 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
drop 9 (noun, verb)
minimum 9 (noun, adjective)
path 9 (noun, idiom)
progress 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
project 9 (noun, verb)
sea 9 (noun, adjective, idiom)
south 9 (noun, adjective, adverb)
status 9 (noun, adjective)
stuff 9 (noun, verb)
ticket 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
tour 9 (noun, verb)
angle 8 (noun, verb)
blue 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
breakfast 8 (noun, verb)
confidence 8 (noun, idiom)
daughter 8 (noun, adjective)
degree 8 (noun, idiom)
doctor 8 (noun, verb)
dot 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
dream 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
duty 8 (noun, idiom)
essay 8 (noun, verb)
father 8 (noun, verb)
fee 8 (noun, verb)
finance 8 (noun, verb)
hour 8 (noun, adjective, idiom)
juice 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
luck 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
milk 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
mouth 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
peace 8 (noun, interjection, verb)
pipe 8 (noun, verb)
stable 8 (noun, verb)
storm 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
substance 8 (noun, idiom)
team 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
trick 8 (noun, adjective, verb)
afternoon 7 (noun, adjective)
bat 7 (noun, verb)
beach 7 (noun, verb)
blank 7 (noun, verb, adjective)
catch 7 (noun, verb)
chain 7 (noun, verb)
consideration 7 (noun, idiom)
cream 7 (noun, verb, adjective)
crew 7 (noun, verb)
detail 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
gold 7 (noun, adjective)
interview 7 (noun, verb)
kid 7 (noun, verb, adjective)
mark 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
mission 7 (noun, adjective)
pain 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
pleasure 7 (noun, verb)
score 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
screw 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
sex 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
shop 7 (noun, verb, interjection)
shower 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
suit 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
tone 7 (noun, verb)
window 7 (noun, verb)
agent 6 (noun, adjective, verb)
band 6 (noun, verb)
bath 6 (noun, verb)
block 6 (noun, verb)
bone 6 (noun, verb, adverb)
calendar 6 (noun, verb)
candidate 6 (noun, verb)
cap 6 (noun, verb)
coat 6 (noun, verb)
contest 6 (noun, verb)
corner 6 (noun, adjective, verb)
court 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
cup 6 (noun, verb)
district 6 (noun, verb)
door 6 (noun, idiom)
east 6 (noun, adjective, adverb)
finger 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
garage 6 (noun, verb)
guarantee 6 (noun, verb)
hole 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
hook 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
implement 6 (noun, verb)
layer 6 (noun, verb)
lecture 6 (noun, verb)
lie 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
manner 6 (noun, idiom)
meeting 6 (noun, idiom)
nose 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
parking 6 (noun, adjective)
partner 6 (noun, verb)
profile 6 (noun, verb)
rice 6 (noun, verb)
routine 6 (noun, adjective)
schedule 6 (noun, verb)
swimming 6 (noun, adjective)
telephone 6 (noun, verb)
tip 6 (noun, verb)
winter 6 (noun, adjective, verb)
airline 5 (noun, adjective)
bag 5 (noun, verb)
battle 5 (noun, verb)
bed 5 (noun , verb)
bill 5 (noun, verb)
bother 5 (noun, verb)
cake 5 (noun, verb)
code 5 (noun, verb)
curve 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
designer 5 (noun, adjective)
dimension 5 (noun, verb)
dress 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
ease 5 (noun, verb)
emergency 5 (noun, adjective)
evening 5 (noun, adjective)
extension 5 (noun, adjective)
farm 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
fight 5 (noun, verb)
gap 5 (noun, verb)
grade 5 (noun, verb)
holiday 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
horror 5 (noun, adjective)
horse 5 (noun, verb, adjective)
host 5 (noun, verb)
husband 5 (noun, verb)
loan 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
mistake 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
mountain 5 (noun, adjective, idiom)
nail 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
noise 5 (noun, verb)
occasion 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
package 5 (noun, verb)
patient 5 (noun, adjective)
pause 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
phrase 5 (noun, verb)
proof 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
race 5 (noun, verb)
relief 5 (noun, idiom)
sand 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
sentence 5 (noun, verb)
shoulder 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
smoke 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
stomach 5 (noun, verb)
string 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
tourist 5 (noun, adverb)
towel 5 (noun, verb)
vacation 5 (noun, verb)
west 5 (noun, adjective, adverb)
wheel 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
wine 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
arm 4 (noun, verb)
aside 4 (noun, adverb)
associate 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
bet 4 (noun, verb)
blow 4 (noun, verb)
border 4 (noun, verb)
branch 4 (noun, verb)
breast 4 (noun, verb)
brother 4 (noun, interjection)
buddy 4 (noun, verb)
bunch 4 (noun, verb)
chip 4 (noun, verb)
coach 4 (noun, verb, adverb)
cross 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
document 4 (noun, verb)
draft 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
dust 4 (noun, verb)
expert 4 (noun, adjective)
floor 4 (noun, verb)
god 4 (noun, interjection)
golf 4 (noun, verb)
habit 4 (noun, verb)
iron 4 (noun, verb)
judge 4 (noun, verb)
knife 4 (noun, verb)
landscape 4 (noun, verb)
league 4 (noun, verb)
mail 4 (noun, verb)
mess 4 (noun, verb)
native 4 (noun, adjective)
opening 4 (noun, adjective)
parent 4 (noun, verb)
pattern 4 (noun, verb)
pin 4 (noun, verb)
pool 4 (noun, verb)
pound 4 (noun, verb)
request 4 (noun, verb)
salary 4 (noun, verb)
shame 4 (noun, verb)
shelter 4 (noun, verb)
shoe 4 (noun, verb)
silver 4 (noun, adjective, verb)
tackle 4 (noun, verb)
tank 4 (noun, verb)
trust 4 (noun, verb)
assist 3 (noun, verb)
bake 3 (noun, verb)
bar 3 (noun, verb, preposition)
bell 3 (noun, verb)
bike 3 (noun, verb)
blame 3 (noun, verb)
boy 3 (noun, interjection)
brick 3 (noun, verb)
chair 3 (noun, verb)
closet 3 (noun, verb, adjective)
clue 3 (noun, verb)
collar 3 (noun, verb)
comment 3 (noun, verb)
conference 3 (noun, verb)
devil 3 (noun, verb)
diet 3 (noun, verb)
fear 3 (noun, verb)
fuel 3 (noun, verb)
glove 3 (noun, verb)
jacket 3 (noun, verb)
lunch 3 (noun, verb)
monitor 3 (noun, verb)
mortgage 3 (noun, verb)
nurse 3 (noun, verb)
pace 3 (noun, verb, preposition)
panic 3 (noun, verb)
peak 3 (noun, verb, adjective)
plane 3 (noun, adjective, verb)
reward 3 (noun, verb)
row 3 (noun, verb)
sandwich 3 (noun, verb)
shock 3 (noun, verb)
spite 3 (noun, verb)
spray 3 (noun, verb)
surprise 3 (noun, verb)
till 3 (noun, verb)
transition 3 (noun, verb)
weekend 3 (noun, verb)
welcome 3 (noun, interjection, verb)
yard 3 (noun, verb)
alarm 2 (noun, verb)
bend 2 (noun, verb)
bicycle 2 (noun, verb)
bite 2 (noun, verb)
blind 2 (noun, verb, adjective)
bottle 2 (noun, verb)
cable 2 (noun, verb)
candle 2 (noun, verb)
clerk 2 (noun, verb)
cloud 2 (noun, verb)
concert 2 (noun, verb)
counter 2 (noun, verb, adverb)
flower 2 (noun, verb)
grandfather 2 (noun, verb)
harm 2 (noun, verb)
knee 2 (noun, verb)
lawyer 2 (noun, verb)
leather 2 (noun, adjective, verb)
load 2 (noun, verb)
mirror 2 (noun, verb)
neck 2 (noun, verb)
pension 2 (noun, verb)
plate 2 (noun, verb)
purple 2 (noun, adjective, verb)
ruin 2 (noun, verb)
ship 2 (noun, verb)
skirt 2 (noun, verb)
slice 2 (noun, verb)
snow 2 (noun, verb)
specialist 2 (noun, adjective)
stroke 2 (noun, verb)
switch 2 (noun, verb)
trash 2 (noun, verb)
tune 2 (noun, verb)
zone 2 (noun, verb)
anger 1 (noun, verb)
award 1 (noun, verb)
bid 1 (noun, verb)
bitter 1 (noun, adjective)
boot 1 (noun, verb)
bug 1 (noun, verb)
camp 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
candy 1 (noun, verb)
carpet 1 (noun, verb)
cat 1 (noun, verb)
champion 1 (noun, verb)
channel 1 (noun, verb)
clock 1 (noun, verb)
comfort 1 (noun, verb)
cow 1 (noun, verb)
crack 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
engineer 1 (noun, verb)
entrance 1 (noun, verb)
fault 1 (noun, verb)
grass 1 (noun, verb)
guy 1 (noun, verb)
hell 1 (noun, interjection)
highlight 1 (noun, verb)
incident 1 (noun, adjective)
island 1 (noun, verb)
joke 1 (noun, verb)
jury 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
leg 1 (noun, verb)
lip 1 (noun, verb)
mate 1 (noun, verb)
motor 1 (noun, adjective, verb)
nerve 1 (noun, verb)
passage 1 (noun, verb)
pen 1 (noun, verb)
pride 1 (noun, verb)
priest 1 (noun, verb)
prize 1 (noun, adjective, verb)
promise 1 (noun, verb)
resident 1 (noun, adjective)
resort 1 (noun, verb)
ring 1 (noun, verb)
roof 1 (noun, verb)
rope 1 (noun, verb)
sail 1 (noun, verb)
scheme 1 (noun, verb)
script 1 (noun, verb)
sock 1 (noun, verb)
station 1 (noun, verb)
toe 1 (noun, verb)
tower 1 (noun, verb)
truck 1 (noun, verb)
witness 1 (noun, verb)
a 4506 (indefinite article, noun, preposition)
you 2041 (pronoun, noun)
it 1386 (pronoun, noun)
can 895 (auxiliary verb, noun)
will 577 (auxiliary verb, noun)
if 546 (conjunction, noun)
one 441 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
many 397 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
most 378 (adjective, noun, adverb)
other 369 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
use 319 (verb, noun)
make 262 (verb, noun)
good 201 (adjective, noun, adverb)
look 144 (verb, noun, interjection)
help 141 (verb, noun, interjection)
go 131 (verb, noun, adjective)
great 126 (adjective, noun, adverb)
being 124 (verb, noun)
few 117 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
might 116 (auxiliary verb, noun)
still 112 (adjective, noun, adverb)
public 97 (adjective, noun)
read 97 (verb, noun)
keep 96 (verb, noun)
start 96 (verb, noun)
give 93 (verb, noun)
human 92 (adjective, noun)
local 90 (adjective, noun)
general 85 (adjective, noun)
she 85 (pronoun, noun)
specific 83 (adjective, noun)
long 82 (adjective, noun, adverb)
play 75 (verb, noun)
feel 74 (verb, noun)
high 74 (adjective, noun, adverb)
tonight 71 (adverb, noun)
put 70 (verb, noun)
common 69 (adjective, noun)
set 69 (verb, noun, adjective)
change 67 (verb, noun)
simple 63 (adjective, noun)
past 60 (adjective, noun, preposition)
big 59 (adjective, noun)
possible 59 (adjective, noun)
particular 58 (adjective, noun)
today 54 (adverb, noun)
major 53 (adjective, noun, verb)
personal 53 (adjective, noun)
current 52 (adjective, noun)
national 52 (adjective, noun)
cut 50 (verb, noun)
natural 50 (adjective, noun, adverb)
physical 50 (adjective, noun)
show 50 (verb, noun)
try 50 (verb, noun)
check 49 (verb, noun, interjection)
second 49 (number, noun)
call 47 (verb, noun)
move 47 (verb, noun)
pay 47 (verb, noun)
let 46 (verb, noun)
increase 45 (verb, noun)
single 45 (adjective, noun, verb)
individual 44 (adjective, noun)
turn 44 (verb, noun)
ask 42 (verb, noun)
buy 42 (verb, noun)
guard 42 (verb, noun)
hold 42 (verb, noun)
main 42 (adjective, noun)
offer 42 (verb, noun)
potential 42 (adjective, noun)
professional 42 (adjective, noun)
international 41 (adjective, noun)
travel 41 (verb, noun)
cook 40 (verb, noun)
alternative 39 (adjective, noun)
following 39 (preposition, noun, adjective)
special 39 (adjective, noun)
working 39 (adjective, noun)
whole 38 (adjective, noun, adverb)
dance 37 (verb, noun)
excuse 37 (verb, noun)
cold 34 (adjective, noun, adverb)
commercial 34 (adjective, noun)
low 34 (adjective, noun, adverb)
purchase 34 (verb, noun)
deal 33 (verb, noun)
primary 33 (adjective, noun)
worth 33 (adjective, noun)
fall 32 (verb, noun)
necessary 31 (adjective, noun)
positive 31 (adjective, noun)
produce 31 (verb, noun)
search 31 (verb, noun)
present 30 (adjective, noun, verb)
spend 30 (verb, noun)
talk 30 (verb, noun)
creative 29 (adjective, noun)
tell 29 (verb, noun)
cost 28 (verb, noun)
drive 28 (verb, noun)
green 28 (adjective, noun, verb)
support 28 (verb, noun)
glad 27 (adjective, noun)
remove 27 (verb, noun)
return 27 (verb, noun)
run 27 (verb, noun)
complex 26 (adjective, noun, verb)
due 26 (adjective, noun, adverb)
effective 26 (adjective, noun)
middle 26 (adjective, noun)
regular 26 (adjective, noun)
reserve 26 (verb, noun)
independent 25 (adjective, noun)
leave 25 (verb, noun)
original 25 (adjective, noun)
reach 25 (verb, noun)
rest 25 (verb, noun)
serve 25 (verb, noun)
watch 25 (verb, noun)
beautiful 24 (adjective, noun, interjection)
charge 24 (verb, noun)
active 23 (adjective, noun)
break 23 (verb, noun)
negative 23 (adjective, noun, interjection)
safe 23 (adjective, noun)
stay 23 (verb, noun)
visit 23 (verb, noun)
visual 23 (adjective, noun)
affect 22 (verb, noun)
cover 22 (verb, noun)
report 22 (verb, noun)
rise 22 (verb, noun)
walk 21 (verb, noun)
white 21 (adjective, noun, verb)
beyond 20 (preposition, noun)
junior 20 (adjective, noun)
pick 20 (verb, noun)
unique 20 (adjective, noun)
anything 19 (pronoun, noun, adverb)
classic 19 (adjective, noun)
final 19 (adjective, noun)
lift 19 (verb, noun)
mix 19 (verb, noun)
private 19 (adjective, noun)
stop 19 (verb, noun)
teach 19 (verb, noun)
western 19 (adjective, noun)
concern 18 (verb, noun)
familiar 18 (adjective, noun)
fly 18 (verb, noun)
official 18 (adjective, noun)
broad 17 (adjective, noun)
comfortable 17 (adjective, noun)
gain 17 (verb, noun)
maybe 17 (adverb, noun)
rich 17 (adjective, noun)
save 17 (verb, noun, preposition)
stand 17 (verb, noun)
young 17 (adjective, noun)
heavy 16 (adjective, noun, adverb)
hello 16 (interjection, noun)
lead 16 (verb, noun)
listen 16 (verb, noun)
valuable 16 (adjective, noun)
worry 16 (verb, noun)
handle 15 (verb, noun)
leading 15 (adjective, noun)
meet 15 (verb, noun)
release 15 (verb, noun)
sell 15 (verb, noun)
finish 14 (verb, noun)
normal 14 (adjective, noun)
press 14 (verb, noun)
ride 14 (verb, noun)
secret 14 (adjective, noun)
spread 14 (verb, noun)
spring 14 (verb, noun)
tough 14 (adjective, noun)
wait 14 (verb, noun)
brown 13 (adjective, noun, verb)
deep 13 (adjective, noun, adverb)
display 13 (verb, noun)
flow 13 (verb, noun)
hit 13 (verb, noun)
objective 13 (adjective, noun)
shoot 13 (verb, noun, interjection)
touch 13 (verb, noun)
cancel 12 (verb, noun)
chemical 12 (adjective, noun)
cry 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
dump 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
extreme 12 (adjective, noun)
push 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
conflict 11 (verb, noun)
eat 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
fill 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
formal 11 (adjective, noun, adverb)
jump 11 (verb, noun, adjective)
kick 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
opposite 11 (adjective, noun, preposition)
pass 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
pitch 11 (verb, noun)
remote 11 (adjective, noun)
total 11 (adjective, noun, verb)
treat 11 (verb, noun)
vast 11 (adjective, noun)
abuse 10 (verb, noun)
beat 10 (verb, noun, adjective)
burn 10 (verb, noun)
deposit 10 (verb, noun)
print 10 (verb, noun, adjective)
raise 10 (verb, noun, idiom)
sleep 10 (verb, noun, idiom)
somewhere 10 (adverb, noun)
advance 9 (verb, noun, adjective)
anywhere 9 (adverb, noun)
consist 9 (verb, noun)
dark 9 (adjective, noun, idiom)
double 9 (adjective, noun, verb)
draw 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
equal 9 (adjective, noun, verb)
fix 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
hire 9 (verb, noun, adjective)
internal 9 (adjective, noun)
join 9 (verb, noun)
kill 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
sensitive 9 (adjective, noun)
tap 9 (verb, noun)
win 9 (verb, noun)
attack 8 (verb, noun)
claim 8 (verb, noun)
constant 8 (adjective, noun)
drag 8 (verb, noun, adjective)
drink 8 (verb, noun)
guess 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
minor 8 (adjective, noun, verb)
pull 8 (verb, noun)
raw 8 (adjective, noun, idiom)
soft 8 (adjective, noun, adverb)
solid 8 (adjective, noun)
wear 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
weird 8 (adjective, noun)
wonder 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
annual 7 (adjective, noun)
count 7 (verb, noun, adjective)
dead 7 (adjective, noun, adverb)
doubt 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
feed 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
forever 7 (adverb, noun, idiom)
impress 7 (verb, noun)
nobody 7 (pronoun, noun)
repeat 7 (verb, noun)
round 7 (adjective, noun, adverb)
sing 7 (verb, noun)
slide 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
strip 7 (verb, noun)
whereas 7 (conjunction, noun)
wish 7 (verb, noun)
combine 6 (verb, noun)
command 6 (verb, noun)
dig 6 (verb, noun)
divide 6 (verb, noun)
equivalent 6 (adjective, noun)
hang 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
hunt 6 (verb, noun)
initial 6 (adjective, noun, verb)
march 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
mention 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
spiritual 6 (adjective, noun)
survey 6 (verb, noun)
tie 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
adult 5 (adjective, noun)
brief 5 (adjective, noun, verb)
crazy 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
escape 5 (verb, noun, adjective)
gather 5 (verb, noun, idiom)
hate 5 (verb, noun)
prior 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
repair 5 (verb, noun)
rough 5 (adjective, noun, adverb)
sad 5 (adjective, noun)
scratch 5 (verb, noun, adjective)
sick 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
strike 5 (verb, noun, adjective)
employ 4 (verb, noun)
external 4 (adjective, noun)
hurt 4 (verb, noun)
illegal 4 (adjective, noun)
laugh 4 (verb, noun)
lay 4 (verb, noun, adjective)
mobile 4 (adjective, noun)
nasty 4 (adjective, noun)
ordinary 4 (adjective, noun)
respond 4 (verb, noun)
royal 4 (adjective, noun)
senior 4 (adjective, noun)
split 4 (verb, noun)
strain 4 (verb, noun)
struggle 4 (verb, noun)
swim 4 (verb, noun)
train 4 (verb, noun)
upper 4 (adjective, noun)
wash 4 (verb, noun)
yellow 4 (adjective, noun, verb)
convert 3 (verb, noun)
crash 3 (verb, noun, adjective)
dependent 3 (adjective, noun)
fold 3 (verb, noun)
funny 3 (adjective, noun)
grab 3 (verb, noun)
hide 3 (verb, noun)
miss 3 (verb, noun)
permit 3 (verb, noun)
quote 3 (verb, noun)
recover 3 (verb, noun)
resolve 3 (verb, noun)
roll 3 (verb, noun)
sink 3 (verb, noun)
slip 3 (verb, noun)
spare 3 (adjective, noun, verb)
suspect 3 (verb, noun, adjective)
sweet 3 (adjective, noun)
swing 3 (verb, noun)
twist 3 (verb, noun)
upstairs 3 (adjective, noun)
usual 3 (adjective, noun)
abroad 2 (adverb, noun)
brave 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
calm 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
concentrate 2 (verb, noun)
estimate 2 (verb, noun)
grand 2 (adjective, noun)
male 2 (adjective, noun)
mine 2 (pronoun, noun, verb)
prompt 2 (verb, noun, adjective)
quiet 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
refuse 2 (verb, noun)
regret 2 (verb, noun)
reveal 2 (verb, noun)
rush 2 (verb, noun)
shake 2 (verb, noun)
shift 2 (verb, noun)
shine 2 (verb, noun)
steal 2 (verb, noun)
suck 2 (verb, noun)
surround 2 (verb, noun)
anybody 1 (pronoun, noun)
bear 1 (verb, noun)
brilliant 1 (adjective, noun)
dare 1 (verb, noun)
dear 1 (adjective, noun, adverb)
delay 1 (verb, noun)
drunk 1 (adjective, noun)
female 1 (adjective, noun)
hurry 1 (verb, noun)
inevitable 1 (adjective, noun)
invite 1 (verb, noun)
kiss 1 (verb, noun)
neat 1 (adjective, noun)
pop 1 (verb, noun, adverb)
punch 1 (verb, noun)
quit 1 (verb, noun)
reply 1 (verb, noun)
representative 1 (adjective, noun)
resist 1 (verb, noun)
rip 1 (verb, noun)
rub 1 (verb, noun)
silly 1 (adjective, noun)
smile 1 (verb, noun)
spell 1 (verb, noun)
stretch 1 (verb, noun)
stupid 1 (adjective, noun)
tear 1 (verb, noun)
temporary 1 (adjective, noun)
tomorrow 1 (adverb, noun)
wake 1 (verb, noun)
wrap 1 (verb, noun)
yesterday 1 (adverb, noun)

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